September 21, 2020

Stand-up comedy routine about bad science

(Heads up, non-school appropriate word at 6:37...and another at 7:21)

So, I was watching a stupid cooking video recently in which the 'chef' made a jiggly cake.

And this shot came up on the video at 1:14...

...and I got bothered.

First off, multiplying three dimensions should give you cubic units not squared units.

Secondly, converting from inches to centimeters requires you to multiply by 2.54. Like 22 inches times 2.54 gives you 55.88 centimeters. It's not quite the 53, but it's close enough. Unless you have the units squared (or, more correctly, cubed). In that case you have to multiply by 2.54 squared (or, more correctly, cubed). 

See, if you're going to make a frivolous cooking video, you should at least get the math right. Sheesh...

If you're with me on that, then the video up top might be for you. In it, Steve Mould - he of the two instance potty mouth - goes through analyzing a statement, "The temperature outside an aeroplane is 6 times colder than the temperature inside a freezer."

And he analyzes the heck out of it, trying to figure out what '6 times colder' means and whether there is some objective temperature at which 'colder' begins - particularly for Canadians.

I enjoyed it, but it might not be everybody's cup of tea.

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