January 28, 2019

GIANT Liquid Nitrogen Rockets: Explodes In My Face

The title's a bit of an oversell.

Yeah, I know, you're shocked that a youtube video would use a clickbait title.

The bottle does, however, explode just above the host's head. That happens for a couple of reasons, primarily that the bottle he used for that part of the experiment is made for holding change not for holding pressurized gases and liquids. The polymer involved is more rigid, weaker, and assembled in two parts rather than as a single shell.

All that being said, I'm really happy with the safety precautions that the host takes. He's wearing gloves to protect against the cold and a face shield to protect his face and eyes. I do wish he had some earplugs in because the explosion can be loud, but he did at least take decent precautions.

Don't do this, folks...but do watch this.

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