August 19, 2016

Gïk Live! - ¿Cómo se produce el vino azul?

I was reading Uproxx, as I am wont to do, and came upon an article about blue wine. In the article was the following sentence...
To get its distinctive color (self described as “Indigo Blue, WTF.”) the folks at Gik blend red grapes, white grapes, and chemistry.
Well, if they've included chemistry, then it has to be good.

I went hunting a little bit and am pretty sure that they're using the basics of anthocyanins to adjust the color of the wine. All they would have to do is take the pH of the wine from something in the 4-6 range to something in the 7-8 range. Wouldn't be all that tough, I would think.

Luckily one of their own videos says as much...

Aren't pH indicators great?

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