August 16, 2015

SMBC - Superman freezes the Gulf

There was an episode of Batman: the Animated Series in which the villains dump two barrels of stuff into a lake. The barrels rupture (as they are designed to do), and the lake freezes solidly...instantly... the waves are frozen, even.

All I could think when I was in college and rewatched that episode was that the heat of reaction of those chemicals must be hugely endothermic. That's the level of science dorky that I was...clearly was...not is...was.

And then, along comes Zach Weinersmith with his geeky Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal which is a webcome largely devoid of math but with definite educational overtones.

Check out, for example this comic dealing with the heat of vaporization of water.

And laugh all the way to popularity.

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