October 30, 2023

Walter White Teaching Chemistry - BREAKING BAD CLIPS

There is actually some decent chemistry being explained in Breaking Bad

I assume they had some chemistry consultant on set to write things on the board and proof the explanations that Walter was giving to his class.

Admittedly, Walter is portrayed as a pretty awful teacher who has some really interesting things to say about a subject that he finds fascinating. I'm hopeful I'm a little more engaging with my students much of the time, but I fear that sometimes I come off a bit like Walter White in the classroom.

October 23, 2023

Drink THIS If Your Mouth Is Burning

Well, dangit.

I've been saying that the heat-killing ability of milk toward chili peppers was because the capsaicin is soluble in fat which means that full-fat milk should be way more effective at reducing the burn.

But the study cited in this video says that skim milk was slightly more effective than was full-fat milk.

Dangit, how dare they learn something that makes a good story I've been telling for a couple of decades not be true anymore...

October 16, 2023

Food Plastics = Estrogens in Your Body

I promise that I'll have something fun and dopey for next week. We've been on a run of pretty heavy content mostly telling us that polymers are killing us.

I'm going to go outside and watch some butterflies.

October 9, 2023

PFAS roundup

Bunch of videos about PFAS because I can't bring myself to write the dozen of separate posts that these should all be posted as.

Watch one...take a break...come back and watch another. Don't run them all through at once. 

It's not cheery stuff, folks.