March 30, 2020

Fire in ZERO-G!!

Dr Derek, please stop using multiple exclamation points and all caps in your video titles.

I get that you're trying to game the YouTube algorithm, but it's kind of off-putting for me.

(Ok, rant over, back to the science content...)

I would love to ride the vomit comet. It's certainly a secondary dream to actually getting to go into space, but I'm pretty sure the 'space' goal has entirely left the building at this point.

Apparently having a really successful YouTube science education channel offers a few more opportunities, and Dr Derek got to ride the parabolic flights simulating weightlessness, something that let him explore fire in 'zero-gravity' environments.

Once he explains the why of his experiments (without weight, the isn't a buoyancy force to move less dense objects like hot air upward and more dense objects like cold air downward), everything makes sense, but I absolutely couldn't have come up with that explanation.

Luckily, I don't have to teach this...and if I ever do, I plan to just show this video.

You rock, Dr D.

(Oh, the fire doesn't actually show up until about 3:40 in the above video. Before that it's explaining how the plane work to simulate zero gravity and some playing around inside the plane.)

In case you're curious, here's Physics Girl's video from the same flight.

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