October 10, 2015

Rainbow Fire Halloween Jack-O-Lantern

You know where you shouldn't get your science advice? Pintrest...and Facebook...and I'll add in Tumblr, too.

Yes, a pumpkin flaming with green fire would be pretty stunningly cool. The thing would terrify every little kid passing by...which is the goal of every Halloween, of course.

But the pumpkin would require the use of methanol.

Methanol is, as I have said a number of times before, bad...dangerous...deadly...

No good can come from attempting this demonstration, folks. I'm especially worried about the notes at 1:50 that says 'The colored flames last several minutes. If you want to keep it going, you'll need to add more alcohol.' DON'T DO THAT. Even if the flames look like they're out... Even if the pumpkin is still hot, it can catch the methanol fumes on fire as you go to refill your flaming, autumnal ball of death.

You might not die, but you might wish you had.

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